White River Productions 1PR 21 Projects: Scratchbuilding Structures Using Simple Tools and Techniques -- Softcover


Stuck for structure building inspiration? Then 21 Projects from White River Productions book is for you! A follow-up to Bob Walker's Scratchbuilding for Model Railroaders, this book gives you 21 distinctive structure building ideas using simple tools and techniques. Bob's "Scratchbuilders Corner" features remain one of the most popular columns in Railroad Model Craftsman (RMC) magazine, and this book applies the simple tips and techniques he has shared over the years to structures in HO, S, and O scales. Build a gas station, depot, sand house, wood and stone factory, retail store, tavern, engine house, water tank, freight house, and many more. Scale drawings for select projects are included. No structure builder should be without a copy of 21 Projects.