Walthers Cornerstone 933-4086 Organic Vapor Air Cleaner (RTO) - Cornerstone Modern Industrial Park -- Kit, HO

WalthersSKU: 933-4086


Kit - 6-1/2 x 5 x 5-1/8" 16.5 x 12.7 x 13cm
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Part of the Cornerstone Modern Industrial Park series -
more here!

  • Must-have detail for updated or contemporary industries
  • Prototypes heat exhaust gases to remove harmful vapors, odors & pollutants
  • Based on Regnerative Thermal Oxidizers (RTO) used at refineries, ethanol
    plants, automobile plants, plastic molding operations, mines, paper mills,
    brick works, steel works & many other industries
  • Highly detailed with access walkway, exhaust stack, heat exchangers,
    blower motor, inlet piping & more

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