Fully-assembled and ready-to-run
DCC-equipped features Lok Pilot DCC decoder installed on a plug-and-play technology with 21-pin connector motherboard
Scaled from prototype resources including drawings, field measurements, photographs, and more
Accurately-painted and –printed paint schemes
Coupler cutbar
MU hoses
Trainline hose
See through cab windows
Full cab interior
Walkway tread
Fine-scale Celcon handrails for scale appearance
Windshield wipers
Lift rings
Wire grab irons
Detailed fuel tank with fuel fillers, fuel gauges, breather pipes, and retention tanks
Metal knuckle couplers - Kadee compatible
Driveline with 5-pole skew wound motor, precision machined flywheels, for trouble free operation
All-wheel drive with precision gears for smooth and quiet operation
Wheels with InterMountain RP25 contours operate on all popular brands of track
Animated spinning roller bearing caps
Bidirectional LED constant lighting
Heavy die-cast frame for greater traction and more pulling power
So what is the Semiquincentennial? Officially, in 2026 marks the 250th Anniversary for the United States of America. The Bicentennial in 1976, marked 200 years, railroads began painting locomotives to commemorate the significant year. These flashy red, white and blue locomotives are fondly remembered by enthusiasts and modelers. Coming into 2026, InterMountain adapts the scheme that was adorned on many 2nd generation diesel s into the present day. Each ET44AC Tier 4 GEVO has a significant year and is uniquely named representing the U.S.A.