Get detailed information on 500+ popular train attractions, museums, special event trains and railroad vacation destinations across the U.S. and Canada. Tourist Trains Guidebook provides expert details on what each site has to offer, the best times to go, other nearby activities and more.
Get this new and updated edition today!
Tourist Trains Guidebook, 9th Edition shows you over 500 popular train rides, museums, special event trains and railroad vacation destinations in the U.S. and Canada. Thoroughly updated, more than 200 popular sites are presented in in-depth reviews written by the experts!
This unique and essential travel guide features:
- An easy-to-follow format organized by region
- Maps of each region for easier planning
- Insider tips on best times to go, what to see and nearby activities
- In-depth listings, maps and photos
- And much more!
Written by trusted contributors with first-hand knowledge, this is the only travel guide you’ll need for planning your next rail-themed day trip or vacation!