Modeled after the real Chesapeake 17 Kayak, produced by Chesapeake Light Craft, one of the largest manufacturers of kayak kits in the world.
A Complete Kit Features Midwest's Micro-Cut Quality Basswood.
Overall Length: 17"
Beam: 2"
Scale: 1:12
This kit can be built without prior building experience, using simple hand tools. Some parts require cutting and fitting. Hull Construction: Sheet Planking.
Midwest's line of Success Series boat kits are designed and engineered for your satisfaction and success. All of Midwest's Apprentice Series model kits contain Micro-Cut Quality Woods and their exclusive Success Series Construction Manual, an extensive all English, illustrated, step-by-step manual that makes building a pleasure.
Build a little piece of American history . . . with Midwest's Apprentice Series Kits. Midwest's Apprentice Boats are modeled after the original boats used in the 1800s and early 1900s. When you build these boats, you will learn real boat building techniques with different types of hull construction such as lapstrake and strip planking. The hull of each boat is built on a frame, just like the real thing.
Made in the USA.