Prototypes in service 1920s to the present with several now in museums
Used as shop switchers by railroads & all types of industries
Available with SoundTraxx DCC decoder (no sound function/s) for use on DCC layouts only
DCC-equipped units include built-in CurrentKeeper to maintain performance during brief power interruptions over switches and dirty track
Three-point suspension for positive track contact
Highly detailed, heavy die-cast metal underframe and hood
Etched metal, see-through radiator guard
Separate metal handrails
Painted, Unlettered locos include decals with Cornerstone industry logos, numbers and more
Fully-assembled, ready to enjoy - perfect loco for small layouts
Powerful WalthersMainline drive with:
Five-pole skew-wound motor
Prototypical low speed gearing
Helical-cut gears for quiet operation
All-wheel drive and electrical pickup
Machined brass flywheel
Constant and directional LED lights
RP-25 metal wheels
Proto MAX(TM) metal knuckle couplers