Walthers 933-3172 Armstrong Electric Motors, Kit HO

WalthersSKU: 933-3172


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A Great Transition between your Layout Scenery and
Background Scenes

Finally! There's a quick, affordable way to add scenery anywhere space is
limited - without the added time and trouble of kitbashing!

Background Building Walls let you use that last little bit of space to create a
realistic background for any industrial area. These HO Scale kits can be used on
the edge of your benchwork, along a shelf or modular layout and in dioramas.
Once installed, they provide a smooth, realistic transition between 3-D
foreground scenes and printed or painted backgrounds. (Check out Walthers
Instant Horizons printed backgrounds for more ideas on creating a backdrop for
your layout.)

Based on popular Cornerstone Series(R) structures, you can build them stock or
easily customize them. Each has scribed cut lines molded on the inside so you
can cut new angles or reduce the width to fit your pike. Each building also
comes with a variety of add-on details, a partial roof and colorful sign decals.

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