Bachmann 51510 PRAIRIE 2-6-2 = UNION PACIFIC #1837, HO

BachmannSKU: BAC51510


PRAIRIE 2-6-2 Locomotive w/SMOKE & TENDER - HO Scale. In the early 1900s, the 2-6-2 Locomotives were built to be used on the mid-western prairies. In all 1500 2-6-2 were built with many of them used in short lines. The Bachmann 2-6-2 models feature Locomotive & Tender with Smoke and Operating Headlight, Highly Detailed Locomotive and Tender Bodies, Metal Wheels and Siderods, and operating E-Z Mate Couplers. This model performs best on 18" radius curves or greater.


  • 2-6-2 Locomotive & Tender
  • Operating Smoke Unit and Headlight
  • Highly Detailed Scale Model with Metal Wheels and Siderods
  • Performs best on 18" radius curves or greater
  • HO Scale 1:87

Products bearing American Refrigerator Transit Company, Chicago & North Western, Denver & Rio Grande Western, Rio Grande, Missouri-Kansas-Texas, Missouri Pacific, Pacific Fruit Express, Southern Pacific, Cotton Belt, Texas & Pacific, Union Pacific, and Western Pacific marks are made under trademark license from Union Pacific Railroad Company.