Four Ways West Publications 85 Milwaukee Road Passenger Trains -- Volume Four (Hardcover, 144 Pages)


Milwaukee Road Passenger Trains: Volume Four from Four Ways West completes the presentation of Milwaukee Road's passenger train service volumes one, two, and three. It covers passenger train service operated between Chicago and Upper Michigan via Milwaukee and Green Bay. It also covers passenger train service between Chicago and Rapid City via Madison and Sioux Falls and between Chicago and St. Paul-Minneapolis via Madison and Austin, Minnesota. Volume Four's epilogue includes several consists and photographs of equipment assigned to Chicago-Milwaukee-Twin Cities Speedliners. Photographs of some of Milwaukee Road's lightweight mail, express, and passenger cars appear in this volume's appendix. The index includes page locations of photographs of Milwaukee Road's heavyweight and lightweight passenger cars appearing throughout the four volumes. This hardcover, 160-pages book is one of many Four Ways West Publications all-color books on the Milwaukee Road.