Bar Mills 752 MILK & ICE WAGON, HO

Bar MillsSKU: 171-752


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This pack of two horse drawn carriages are designed as foreground models and can be super-detailed by the modeler to his/her liking.  These kits are complex and are NOT suggested for the casual or less-skilled modeler... we'd prefer not to have you purchase these if you're not "ready" for them... BUT, for those of you who are up to the challenge we think you'll find these kits will do a great deal to improve any scene they are added to !


WHile we don't usually illustrate kits to this extent on the website it's important that our customers know the complexity of these little kits.  "Diamond" Jim Mooney, our chief-"braniac"-type did a bang up job on these drawings, if you're not ready for a challenge don't plunk down any cash... at least this time around !

milk ice wagon exploded view