PanPastel Weathering Colors 30116 Pastel Flower #2


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Easy Weathering Effects in Seconds!

PanPastel Colors are professional quality ultra-fine pastel colors in a unique
pan (cake-like) format.

The special qualities of PanPastel means that they can be mixed, layered and
applied dry making them ideal for applying realistic weathering effects
quickly. PanPastel Colors adhere well to most surfaces, yet can be removed
easily if required. Available in kits & as individual colors.

Great for applying realistic weathering effects & color to:

Military Models

Action Figures Railroad Models

Scenery & Layouts Miniatures


Instant - no drying or preparation time required

Mixable - mix colors for an infinite number of custom colors & effects

Low Dust - no mess alternative to powders and pastel sticks

Ultra-fine - highly pigmented color formulations its like using pure

Realistic effects - doesnt have a painted on appearance once applied

Compatible - with spray fixatives and other flat finishes

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