Miller Engineering Animation 2501 EXPERIMENTERS KIT


Miller Engineering's extensive line of Electroluminescent (EL) lighting

products will meet the many demands of modelers and experimenters alike.

Our EL lamps are only .008 to .010 thick, just a little thicker than a sheet of

paper. The light output is a soft neon-like glow with no "HOT" spots that are

characteristic of other type of light sources. This coupled with their

and near zero heat output, makes them the perfect choice for many lighting


Have an idea of your own? Then this is the perfect kit. This kit has

that you need to bring your imagination to life. Our specially designed EL

lamp is easy to cut with scissors or a sharp knife and may cut to produce up

to 6 separated EL lamps. Detailed instruction book gives many ideas and

methods for using EL lamps.

Perfect for creating your own signs, custom lighting for all your modeling


Kit includes:

- One white EL lamp, size: 1.7x 3.75

- Makes from one to six EL lamps.

- One ready-to-run power supply that runs on 2 AAA batteries (not included).

- Assortment of color overlays.

- Complete instructions with tips and ideas on using EL lamps.

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