Cost effective wireless operation with infrared technology
UR90 is a front panel unit that is an infrared receiver. All current production
Digitrax throttles are factory equipped with infrared capabillity, just add one
or more UR90's and you're wireless!
Infrared is a line of site technology so you will probably need more than one
UR90 for your layout.
UR90 also includes a LocoNet Throttle jack on the front for plugging in your
throttles as needed. In addition there are two LocoNet Jacks on the back for
hooking up to other LocoNet devices on your layout.
UR90 Features:
Note: Most layouts require more than one UR90 because Infrared is line of sight
and the UR90s must be able to "see" the signals for reliable operation.
Recommended for indoor use only.