The I-400 was constructed as a submergible aircraft carrier the like the world had never seen and was able to launch three Seiran aircraft. With an overall length of 122m, width of 12m, and a submerged 6560-ton placement, the size was comparable to a destroyer class warship and was the world's largest submarine at the time. In addition, it had the ability to circumnavigate the world one and a half times without needing to refuel or restock. It was possible for the I-400 to make surprise attacks at both the U.S. East Coast and the Allied held Panama Canal. Construction of the I-400 was completed near the end of WWII in December 1944. It was on its way with the second submarine in its class the I-401 to take on the U.S. Naval base at Ulithi, however like the I-400, however both submarines never had the opportunity to see action due to the ending of the war. It is said that due to its superior design, the I-400 is the predecessor to modern day strategic nuclear missile submarines.