Vallejo Acrylic Paints 71189 WWII British RAF & FAA Paint Set (16-Pack)


Set of 16 Model Air references for painting models, figures and dioramas. Contains 17 ml./0.57 fl.oz. (with eyedropper) bottles and a color chart.
71.031 Middlestone
71.057 Black
71.062 Aluminium
71.078 Yellow RLM04
71.108 Faded P.R.U. Blue
71.109 Dark Grey
71.110 Gris Oscuro
71.126 IDF/IAF Green
71.273 Ocean Gray
71.279 Insignia White
71.302 Sky Type S
71.307 BS Medium Sea Grey
71.309 Dark Slate Grey
72.323 BS Dark Earth
71.324 BS Dark Green
71.407 Sky Grey

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