Introducing the RX-78-2 Gundam, the first installment in the SD Gundam Cross Silhouette (SDGCS) series! This innovative series allows you to customize the proportions of your Mobile Suit with ease—use the included Super Deformed Frame for classic SD proportions or upgrade to the Cross Silhouette Frame (sold separately) for taller proportions.
With its tricolor scheme faithfully recreated through detailed part separation, this kit brings a fresh take on the iconic RX-78-2 Gundam while maintaining its unmistakable charm.
Product Features
3 to 4 inches tall (7.62cm to 10.16cm)
Part of the SDGCS series
Includes Super Deformed Frame for classic SD proportions
Compatible with the Cross Silhouette Frame (sold separately)
Highly detailed and customizable
Box Contents
RX-78-2 Gundam SD Gundam parts
SD Frame
Beam Rifle
Beam Saber
4 Runners
Foil sticker sheet